Saturday, March 21, 2009

Catch up time

It has been another 10 days since the slightest peep from us..... lame I know. But here we are, now in India!!

However there is a little to recap on first. The last few couple days in Rio were hot and sweaty! We braved the beach, only to turn around 2 mins later because of the extreme heat and we wandered the streets taking in the last of ou Latin flavour. When it was time to go we were sad to be leaving the continent that we had called home for so long, but happy to start the new leg of our trip and be going home to England!

The flight, as always, was non eventful, and in fact, relatively short for us considering the bus journies that we are now accustomed to. Mum & Dad met us at the airport (a little late!), complete with pork pies, pickled onions and a cheese $ onion sandwich! We went off into the cold new weather of England for lunch at a wonderful old pub right on the canal, not too far of the road home.

We headed back home to Salisbury for the evening with some great, old fashioned, English style home cooking..... mmmmmmmmmmmm!!

Sorry but our time is up here, we are safe, it is hot, there is a lot of yummy looking curry!!

We WILL update again soon xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey... we weren't late - your flight was early!! Damned cheek ;-)